Friday, July 9, 2010


Obviously, you make Lemonade. In keeping with my new "if it's cheap, buy it" attitude, I recently purchased about 12 lemons that I had no use or plan for. And, even though lemonade really is quite simple, I am particularly proud of the lemonade I have been making as of late. In fact, I can be found sitting on my couch when its 90ยบ outside sipping lemonade and mentioning (ever so humbly) how perfectly delicious it is.

So I'm sharing the incredibly simple recipe.

The key is to remember that it's simply equal parts water, sugar, and fresh lemon juice.

A good amount is 1 cup. Make a simple syrup with the water and sugar and then mix it with one cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice, putting the entire mixture in the fridge until it cools. then add water to it until it reaches your desired strength. (My current method is putting the ingredients in an old juice bottle to cool and then filling it up with water. This just happens to be the perfect amount.) Ta da! That easy.

The aftermath.

1 comment:

  1. I like my lemonade really sweet and a nice dark rum in it. I actually like dark rum in just about everything, sorry. Thanks for the water bottle tip.
